Effortless Channel Management in Slack: Introducing Welcome Messages & Auto Addition of ClearFeed to New Slack Channels

Effortless Channel Management in Slack: Introducing Welcome Messages & Auto Addition of ClearFeed to New Slack Channels

Shipra Sharma
Shipra Sharma
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Effortless Channel Management in Slack: Introducing Welcome Messages & Auto Addition of ClearFeed to New Slack Channels

Shipra Sharma
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Effective Slack channel management is essential for managing more users and Slack channels for efficient support. As your team grows, adding ClearFeed to each channel and sending instructions to new members on how to use the channel to get support becomes arduous and challenging.

Recognizing the challenges and needs of our customers, we are thrilled to introduce two powerful new features to enhance channel management in Slack: Welcome Messages and Auto-add ClearFeed to new channels

These enhancements are designed to streamline your workflows, expedite onboarding, and significantly lighten the load on your Support teams, empowering them to deliver swift and effective resolutions. Let’s dive deep into how you can utilize these features for efficient channel management in Slack. 

1. Welcome Users With Tailored Messages 

When new customers join a Slack channel, it’s essential to guide them on how to use the channel for support effectively. ClearFeed’s Welcome Messages feature helps your support team deliver consistent onboarding messages, ensuring that new members understand how to interact with your support team from the start. 

Whether it’s informing them about your support hours, instructing them to use specific emojis like the :ticket: emoji to request support, or directing them to important documentation, this feature sets clear expectations and streamlines communication right from the beginning.

How it works

  • Customizable Messages: Administrators can create Welcome Messages tailored to each Slack channel. These messages can include greetings, channel guidelines, support hours, important links, and any other relevant information.
  • Automated Delivery: Once configured, Welcome Messages are automatically sent to new members and new channels to which ClearFeed is added. This ensures consistency and saves time by eliminating the need for manual introductions.
  • Flexible Configuration: You have three options for configuring your welcome message:
    • To New Request Channels: The welcome message will be sent to the request channel whenever a new channel is added to a collection.
    • To New Members of Request Channels: The welcome message will be sent as an ephemeral message to every new user added to the request channel.
    • Both: The welcome message will be sent to the request channel whenever a new channel is added to a collection and as an ephemeral message to every new user added to the request channel.
Welcome Users With Tailored Messages

For detailed setup instructions, you can refer to our product documentation.

2. Automatically Add ClearFeed to New Slack Connect Channels

As your organization scales, manually keeping track of and managing every new Slack Connect channel can quickly become overwhelming. Automatically adding ClearFeed to new Slack channels streamlines this process by ensuring that every new channel is instantly monitored, giving you complete visibility and control without the hassle. This feature helps prevent important channels from slipping through the cracks, keeping your support operations running smoothly.

How it works

  • Automatic Detection: ClearFeed automatically detects and monitors new Slack channels as they are created, without any manual intervention required. This ensures that your support operations are always up to date with the latest communication channels.
  • Smart Channel Recognition by Naming Patterns: If your Slack-connect channels are named in a set pattern, the ClearFeed bot can be automatically added to these channels once created. For example, if channels are named clearfeed-acme1, clearfeed-acme2, etc., you can set a regex pattern ^clearfeed- to monitor all new channels created with this naming pattern.

Enter the regex that determines the naming pattern of your channels, and ClearFeed can start monitoring the channel under the Collection where this setting is applied as soon as these channels turn into Slack-connect channels.

Automatically Add ClearFeed to New Slack Connect Channels

Please note that this feature has yet to be available in the UI. Please contact our Support team to enable it.

What’s Next 

We are continuously working on new features to enhance your Slack channel management experience. Here’s what’s coming up next:

  • Send Different Announcements to Channels with Different Tags: You will be able to add tags to different Slack channels and select certain types of channels (with specific tags) to send tailored announcements. These tags will also be auto-populated with customer attributes using our CRM integration. For instance, you can send specific announcements to SMB customers and different ones to enterprise customers.
  • Send a List of New Slack Connect Channels to Admins: This feature will allow admins to receive a list of newly created Slack Connect channels, enabling them to decide which channels they want to add ClearFeed to.
  • Personalizing Welcome Messages with User Names: We are working on adding the ability to personalize Welcome Messages with the new user’s name, creating a more tailored and engaging onboarding experience.

Wrapping Up 

By automating routine tasks and ensuring comprehensive monitoring, these features create a more organized, responsive, and efficient support ecosystem, reducing the cognitive load on your team and ensuring your support operations scale smoothly as your business grows.

These new functionalities will significantly improve your team's workflow, reduce onboarding times, and enhance overall communication. If you’d like to learn more about how ClearFeed's new Channel Management features can benefit your organization, contact us at support@clearfeed.ai or book a free demo with a support specialist here.

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