How to create Zendesk tickets in Slack with a slash command

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How to Integrate Slack & Zendesk with ClearFeed

This guide illustrates how you can use the '/zendesk create_ticket' command to establish a ticket in Slack without creating a preceding message. This command is effective in channels where the Slack for Zendesk Support integration has been activated.

For emoji-based or automated ticket creation check out ticket creation using ClearFeed.

Step #1: Initiate Ticket Creation

Navigate to the relevant Slack channel and type the command '/zendesk create_ticket'. This command will open up the 'Create new ticket' form.

Step #2: Fill Out the Ticket Form

In the 'Create new ticket' form, input the following details:


Provide a succinct, descriptive subject for the ticket.


By default, the individual who submits the ticket is set as the requester. However, this field is optional and editable. Click on it to reveal a searchable list of existing Slack users. If an unknown user creates the ticket in Slack, a new Zendesk Support end-user is created and tied to the ticket. Similarly, when an agent generates a ticket on behalf of someone else, they can pick a requester from the list of existing Slack users or create a new end-user.


This optional field refers to the Zendesk group you wish to assign the ticket to. Clicking on this field will show a list of groups. Begin typing the group's name, and you can then select the assignee from the displayed list of matching results.


Here, provide a more comprehensive description of the ticket. The details in this field can be accessed by anyone with permission to view the ticket.

Step #3: Submit the Ticket

Once all necessary details have been filled in, click on the 'Submit' button to create the ticket. The ticket is then established in Zendesk Support, and a notification is sent to the channel in which it was created.

If you are looking for capabilities beyond this such as creating a ticket from a Slack thread with attachments, then check out our Slack Zendesk Integration and how we compare to the native integration.

Want to work from Slack on Zendesk tickets?

Upgrade to ClearFeed for live 2-way sync, forms on Slack and reduce expensive agent licenses

Slack + Zendesk

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Upgrade to ClearFeed for live 2-way sync, forms on Slack and reduce expensive agent licenses

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